Declaration and Access Control
Which statements are most accurate regarding the following classes?class A{ private int i; protected int j;}class B extends A{ private int k; protected int m;}

An object of B contains data fields j, k, m.
An object of B contains data fields i, j, k, m.
An object of B contains data fields k, m.
An object of B contains data fields j, m.


Declaration and Access Control
A method within a class is only accessible by classes that are defined within the same package as the class of the method. Which one of the following is used to enforce such restriction?

Declare the method with the keyword private.
Declare the method with the keyword public.
Declare the method with the keyword public and private.
Declare the method with the keyword protected.
Do not declare the method with any accessibility modifiers.


Declaration and Access Control
Consider the following two classes declared and defined in two different packages, what can be added in class B to form what considered a correct access to class A from main() method of class B?package subPackage;public class A { }package anotherPackage;// line 1public class B{public static void main(String[] args){// line 2}}1. At line1 add noting; At line2 add: new A();2. At line 1 add: import package.*; at line 2 add : new subPackage.A();3. At line 1 add: import subPackage.*; at line 2 add : new A();4. At line 1 add: import subPackage.A; at line 2 add : new A();

3 and 4
1 and 2
2 and 4
1 and 3


Declaration and Access Control
Suppose a class has public visibility. In this class we define a protected method. Which of the following statements is correct?

From within protected methods you do not have access to public methods.
This method is only accessible from inside the class itself and from inside all subclasses.
This method is accessible from within the class itself and from within all classes defined in the same package as the class itself.
In a class, you cannot declare methods with a lower visibility than the visibility of the class in which it is defined.