Declaration and Access Control
Consider the following two classes declared and defined in two different packages, what can be added in class B to form what considered a correct access to class A from main() method of class B?package subPackage;public class A { }package anotherPackage;// line 1public class B{public static void main(String[] args){// line 2}}1. At line1 add noting; At line2 add: new A();2. At line 1 add: import package.*; at line 2 add : new subPackage.A();3. At line 1 add: import subPackage.*; at line 2 add : new A();4. At line 1 add: import subPackage.A; at line 2 add : new A();

1 and 3
1 and 2
3 and 4
2 and 4


Declaration and Access Control
What is the result of compiling and running the following code?public class Tester{static int x = 4;int y = 9; public Tester(){System.out.print(this.x); // line 1printVariables();}public static void printVariables(){System.out.print(x); // line 2System.out.print(y); // line 3}public static void main(String... args) { // line 4new Tester();}}

Compile error at line 1 (static x must be only accessed inside static methods)
Compile error at line 4 (invalid argument type for method main)
Compile error at line 3 (static methods can't make reference to non-static variables)
Compile error at line 2 (must access x by writing Tester.x)


Declaration and Access Control
Choose all the lines which if inserted independently instead of "//insert code here" will allow the following code to compile:public class Test{ public static void main(String args[]){ add(); add(1);add(1, 2); }// insert code here}

void add(Integer... args){}
static void add(int args...){}
static void add(int...args){}
static void add(int... args, int y){}
static void add(int[]... args){}