Theory of Machine In a Hartnell governor, if a spring of greater stiffness is used, then the governor will be Unaffected of sensitivity More sensitive Isochronous Less sensitive Unaffected of sensitivity More sensitive Isochronous Less sensitive ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Theory of Machine A motor car moving at a certain speed takes a left turn in a curved path. If the engine rotates in the same direction as that of wheels, men due to centrifugal force The reaction on me inner wheels increases and on the outer wheels decreases The reaction on the front wheels increases and on the rear wheels decreases The reaction on the outer wheels increases and on the inner wheels decreases The reaction on the rear wheels increases and on the front wheels decreases The reaction on me inner wheels increases and on the outer wheels decreases The reaction on the front wheels increases and on the rear wheels decreases The reaction on the outer wheels increases and on the inner wheels decreases The reaction on the rear wheels increases and on the front wheels decreases ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Theory of Machine When the load on the engine increases, it becomes necessary to increase the supply of working fluid and when the load decreases, less working fluid is required. The supply of the working fluid to the engine is controlled by a Meyer's expansion valve Flywheel D-slide valve Governor Meyer's expansion valve Flywheel D-slide valve Governor ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Theory of Machine In a reciprocating steam engine, which of the following forms a kinematic link? Crankshaft and flywheel Flywheel and engine frame Cylinder and piston Piston rod and connecting rod Crankshaft and flywheel Flywheel and engine frame Cylinder and piston Piston rod and connecting rod ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Theory of Machine A single degree of freedom system is given by, m × (d²x/dt²) + c × (dx/dt) + sx = F.cosω.t with usual notations. It represents Free vibration without damping Free vibration with damping Forced vibration with damping Forced vibration without damping Free vibration without damping Free vibration with damping Forced vibration with damping Forced vibration without damping ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Theory of Machine In gramophones for adjusting the speed of the turntable, the following type of governor is commonly employed Inertia governor Wilson Hartnell governor Hartung governor Pickering governor Inertia governor Wilson Hartnell governor Hartung governor Pickering governor ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP