Construction Planning and Management
If the excavation of earth is done manually then it costs Rs. 10 per cum. A machine can excavate at a fixed cost of Rs. 4000 plus a variable cost of Rs. 2 per cum. The quantity of earth for which the cost of excavation by machine will be equal to the cost of manual excavation is

2000 cum
500 cum
1500 cum
1000 cum


Construction Planning and Management
Pick up the correct statement from the following with regards to C.P.M. network analysis of projects

Earliest occurrence time of the event from which the activity arrow' originates, is called earliest start time of the activity
The latest occurrence time of the node of which the activity arrow terminates minus the duration of the activity, is called latest start time
All listed here
The latest occurrence time for the node at which the activity arrow terminates, is called latest finish time