MGVCL Exam Paper (30-07-2021 Shift 2)
Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition from the given alternatives. England skipper Joe Root is excited to bat ____ number three in the Ashes cricket series
Where, Pmp is maximum power in watt Vmp maximum voltage at maximum power in volt Imp is maximum current at maximum power in ampere Voc open circuit voltage in volt Isc is short circuit current in ampere
Fill Factor = Pmp/(Vosc*Isc) = (Vmp*Imp)/(Voc*Isc) = (2.65*0.5)/(0.7*3) = 0.63
Equivalent resistance of the circuit, Req = (12||18) + 8 Req = 7.2 + 8 Req = 15.2 ohm Source current = current through 8 ohm resistor, I = Vr/R8 I = 20/8 I = 2.5 A Supply votage V = I*Req V = 2.5*15.2 V = 38 V