For small turbine starts generating power 12.6 kph (3.5 m/s) is the typical cut-in speed. At 36–54 kph (10–15 m/s) produces maximum generation power. At 90 kph (25 m/s) maximum, the turbine is stopped or braked.
Symmetrical breaking current: It is the rms value of a a.c component of the current in the pole at the instant of contact separation.
Asymmetrical breaking current: It is the rms value of the total current comprising the a.c and d.c components of the current in the pole at the instant of contact separation.
The V-curves of a synchronous motor show relationship between Armature current (Ia) and Excitation current (If). The Inverted V-curves of a synchronous motor show relationship between power factor (pf) and field excitation (If).