RCC Structures Design A pre-stressed concrete member Is made of concrete Is made of reinforced concrete Possesses internal stresses Is stressed after casting Is made of concrete Is made of reinforced concrete Possesses internal stresses Is stressed after casting ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
RCC Structures Design If the length of a combined footing for two columns l meters apart is L and the projection on the left side of the exterior column is x, then the projection y on the right side of the exterior column, in order to have a uniformly distributed load, is (where x̅ is the distance of centre of gravity of column loads). y = L/2 - (l + x̅) y = L/2 + (l - x̅) y = L - (l - x̅) y = L/2 - (l - x̅) y = L/2 - (l + x̅) y = L/2 + (l - x̅) y = L - (l - x̅) y = L/2 - (l - x̅) ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
RCC Structures Design If L is the effective span of a R.C.C. beam which is subjected to maximum shear qmax at the ends, the distance from either end over which stirrups for the shear, are provided, is (L/2) (1 - 5/qmax) (L/3) (1 - 5/qmax) (L/2) (1 - 3/qmax) (L/2) (1 - 2/qmax) (L/2) (1 - 5/qmax) (L/3) (1 - 5/qmax) (L/2) (1 - 3/qmax) (L/2) (1 - 2/qmax) ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
RCC Structures Design The width of the flange of a L-beam, should be less than Least of the above Breadth of the rib + four times thickness of the slab Breadth of the rib + half clear distance between ribs One-sixth of the effective span Least of the above Breadth of the rib + four times thickness of the slab Breadth of the rib + half clear distance between ribs One-sixth of the effective span ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
RCC Structures Design The allowable tensile stress in mild steel stirrups, reinforced cement concrete, is 260 kg/cm² 230 kg/cm² 190 kg/cm² 1400 kg/cm² 260 kg/cm² 230 kg/cm² 190 kg/cm² 1400 kg/cm² ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
RCC Structures Design To ensure uniform pressure distribution, the thickness of the foundation, is Decreased gradually towards the edge Kept zero at the edge Increased gradually towards the edge Kept uniform throughout Decreased gradually towards the edge Kept zero at the edge Increased gradually towards the edge Kept uniform throughout ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP