MGVCL Exam Paper (30-07-2021 Shift 1)
A fully controlled natural commutated 3-phase bridge rectifier is operating with a firing angle α = 30°, The peak to peak voltage ripple expressed as a ratio of the peak output dc voltage at the output of the converter bridge is
The ratio of full load current to short circuit current = 1/5 Xsc = j/(1/5) External reactance required = j*((1/5) - 0.05)) = j*0.15 pu Full load current = (30*1000)/(√3*11) = 1574.6 A Per unit reactance = j*0.15 = (I*Xr)/V j*0.15 = (1574.6*Xb)/((11/√3)*1000)) = 0.60 ohm
As per the key statistics data of IEA With electricity consumption reached to 1,164 TWh in the country till November 2019, India ranked third among the top ten electricity consuming countries across the globe.
Bus Type - Known Parameter - Unknown Parameter Load Bus -P, Q - V, phase angle Generator Bus - P, V (magnitude) - Q, Voltage phase angle Slack Bus Voltage - magnitude and phase angle - P, Q