MGVCL Exam Paper (30-07-2021 Shift 1)
The expression for voltage regulation of a short transmission line for lagging power factor is given by: ___, where, 'I' is the line current, 'V_r' is the receiving end voltage, 'R' is the line resistance and 'X' is the line reactance.
For lagging power factor = (IR*cosφ + Ixsinφ)/Vr For leading power factor = (IR*cosφ - Ixsinφ)/Vr Zero voltage regulation occurs on leading power factor only.
As per the key statistics data of IEA With electricity consumption reached to 1,164 TWh in the country till November 2019, India ranked third among the top ten electricity consuming countries across the globe.
Power factor for purely inductive circuit is 0 and power factor angle is 90 degree. Power factor for purely capacitive circuit is 0 and power factor angle is 90 degree Power factor for purely resistive circuit is 1 and power factor angle is 0 degree
Two-part tariff: In this type of tariff, the total bill is divided into two parts. The first one is the fixed charge and the second is the running charge. The fixed charge is because of the maximum demand and the second charge depends on the energy consumption by the load.