Estimating and Costing A cement concrete road is 1000 m long, 8 m wide and 15 cm thick over the sub-base of 10 cm thick gravel. The box cutting in road crust is 1500 m3 2000 m3 1000 m3 500 m3 1500 m3 2000 m3 1000 m3 500 m3 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Estimating and Costing The assumption on which the trapezoidal formula for volumes is based, is All listed here The volume of the Prismoidal is over-estimated and hence a Prismoidal correction is applied The end sections are parallel planes The mid-area of a pyramid is half the average area of the ends All listed here The volume of the Prismoidal is over-estimated and hence a Prismoidal correction is applied The end sections are parallel planes The mid-area of a pyramid is half the average area of the ends ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Estimating and Costing The expected out turn of cement concrete 1 : 2 : 4 per mason per day is 1.5 m³ 3.5 m³ 5.0 m³ 2.5 m³ 1.5 m³ 3.5 m³ 5.0 m³ 2.5 m³ ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Estimating and Costing While preparing a detailed estimate Dimension should be measured correct to 0.01 m All of these Area should be measured correct to 0.01 sqm Volume should be measured correct to 0.01 cum Dimension should be measured correct to 0.01 m All of these Area should be measured correct to 0.01 sqm Volume should be measured correct to 0.01 cum ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Estimating and Costing The area of a sloping surface of a protective embankment of mean height‘d’, side slopes S: 1 and length ‘L’ is 2 L.D √(1 + s²) d × d × s √[d² × (ds)²] L.D √(1 + s²) 2 L.D √(1 + s²) d × d × s √[d² × (ds)²] L.D √(1 + s²) ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Estimating and Costing The volume is measured correct to the nearest 0.01 cum 0.02 cum 0.04 cum 0.03 cum 0.01 cum 0.02 cum 0.04 cum 0.03 cum ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP