Theory of Machine When the pitching of a ship is upward, the effect of gyroscopic couple acting on it will be To raise the bow and lower the stern To move the ship towards starboard To raise the stern and lower the bow To move the ship towards port side To raise the bow and lower the stern To move the ship towards starboard To raise the stern and lower the bow To move the ship towards port side ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Theory of Machine The example of lower pair is All of these Straight line motion mechanisms Shaft revolving in a bearing Automobile steering gear All of these Straight line motion mechanisms Shaft revolving in a bearing Automobile steering gear ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Theory of Machine Angle of descent of cam is defined as the angle Moved by the cam from the instant the follower begins to rise, till it reaches its highest position During which the follower returns to its initial position Of rotation of the cam for a definite displacement of the follower Through which the cam rotates during the period in which the follower remains in the highest position Moved by the cam from the instant the follower begins to rise, till it reaches its highest position During which the follower returns to its initial position Of rotation of the cam for a definite displacement of the follower Through which the cam rotates during the period in which the follower remains in the highest position ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Theory of Machine A disc is a spinning with an angular velocity ω rad/s about the axis of spin. The couple applied to the disc causing precession will be (where I = Mass moment of inertia of the disc, and ωP = Angular velocity of precession of the axis of spin) I ω ωP (1/2). I ω ωP (1/2).Iω² Iω² I ω ωP (1/2). I ω ωP (1/2).Iω² Iω² ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Theory of Machine In under damped vibrating system, if x₁ and x₂ are the successive values of the amplitude on the same side of the mean position, then the logarithmic decrement is equal to log(x₁.x₂) log(x₁/x₂) x₁/x₂ loge(x₁/x₂) log(x₁.x₂) log(x₁/x₂) x₁/x₂ loge(x₁/x₂) ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Theory of Machine In a cam drive with uniform velocity follower, the sharp corners of the displacement diagram are rounded off at the beginning and at the end of each stroke. This is done Because of difficulty in manufacturing cam profile Because of loose contact of follower with cam surface In order to have acceleration in beginning and retardation at the end of stroke within the finite limits Because the uniform velocity motion is a partial parabolic motion Because of difficulty in manufacturing cam profile Because of loose contact of follower with cam surface In order to have acceleration in beginning and retardation at the end of stroke within the finite limits Because the uniform velocity motion is a partial parabolic motion ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP