Theory of Machine When the pitching of a ship is upward, the effect of gyroscopic couple acting on it will be To raise the bow and lower the stern To raise the stern and lower the bow To move the ship towards port side To move the ship towards starboard To raise the bow and lower the stern To raise the stern and lower the bow To move the ship towards port side To move the ship towards starboard ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Theory of Machine Klein's construction gives a graphic construction for Slider-crank mechanism Four bar chain mechanism Velocity polygon Acceleration polygon Slider-crank mechanism Four bar chain mechanism Velocity polygon Acceleration polygon ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Theory of Machine In a steam engine, the link constitutes a Connecting rod with big and small end brasses, caps and bolts Crank pin, crankshaft and flywheel All of these Piston, piston rod and cross-head Connecting rod with big and small end brasses, caps and bolts Crank pin, crankshaft and flywheel All of these Piston, piston rod and cross-head ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Theory of Machine Scotch yoke mechanism is used to generate Logarithms Sine functions Square roots Inversions Logarithms Sine functions Square roots Inversions ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Theory of Machine The type of coupling used to join two shafts whose axes are neither in same straight line nor parallel, but intersect is Universal coupling Flexible coupling Oldham's coupling Chain coupling Universal coupling Flexible coupling Oldham's coupling Chain coupling ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Theory of Machine Effort of a governor is the Mean force exerted at the sleeve for maximum equilibrium speed Mean force exerted at the sleeve for a given percentage change of speed Work-done at the sleeve for maximum equilibrium speed None of these Mean force exerted at the sleeve for maximum equilibrium speed Mean force exerted at the sleeve for a given percentage change of speed Work-done at the sleeve for maximum equilibrium speed None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP