Theory of Machine
When the addenda on pinion and wheel is such that the path of approach and path of recess are half of their maximum possible values, then the length of the path of contact is given by (where r = Pitch circle radius of pinion, R = Pitch circle radius of wheel, and φ = Pressure angle)

[(r² + R²) cosφ]/2
[(r + R) cosφ]/2
[(r² + R²) sinφ]/2
[(r + R) sinφ]/2


Theory of Machine
Which is the false statement about the properties of instantaneous center?

At the instantaneous center of rotation, one rigid link rotates instantaneously relative to another for the configuration of mechanism considered
The two rigid links have no linear velocities relative to each other at the instantaneous center
The two rigid links which have no linear velocity relative to each other at this center have the same linear velocity to the third rigid link
The double center can be denoted either by O2 or O12, but proper selection should be made