Power Electronics When a large surge current of very short duration flows through a thyristor then which one of the following device will operate to protect the thyristor ? Fast acting current limiting device (FACL fuse). Snubber circuit. CB. Voltage clamping device. Fast acting current limiting device (FACL fuse). Snubber circuit. CB. Voltage clamping device. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Power Electronics During reverse recovery time charge carrier of junction J1 is swept out. charge carrier of junction J3 is swept out. charge carrier of junction J2 recombined. both B and C. charge carrier of junction J1 is swept out. charge carrier of junction J3 is swept out. charge carrier of junction J2 recombined. both B and C. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Power Electronics Power transistor are type of IGBTs. All of above. MOSFETs. BJTs. IGBTs. All of above. MOSFETs. BJTs. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Power Electronics Gate circuit or triggering circuit of a thyristor is magnetic circuit. high power circuit. lower power circuit. may be low power or high power circuit. magnetic circuit. high power circuit. lower power circuit. may be low power or high power circuit. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Power Electronics A single phase full bridge inverter can operate in load commutation mode in case load consists of RL. RLC underdamped. RLC overdamped. RLC critically damped. RL. RLC underdamped. RLC overdamped. RLC critically damped. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Power Electronics The V-I characteristics for a triac in the first and third quadrants are essentially identical to those of ___________ in its first quadrant None of these Transistor SCR UJT None of these Transistor SCR UJT ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP