RCC Structures Design The stresses developed in concrete and steel in reinforced concrete beam 25 cm width and 70 cm effective depth, are 62.5 kg/cm² and 250 kg/cm² respectively. If m = 15, the depth of its neutral axis is 35 cm 30 cm 20 cm 25 cm 35 cm 30 cm 20 cm 25 cm ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
RCC Structures Design The length of the lap in a compression member is kept greater than bar diameter x (Permissible stress in bar / Five times the bond stress) or 18 bar diameters 12 bar diameters 30 bar diameters 24 bar diameters 18 bar diameters 12 bar diameters 30 bar diameters 24 bar diameters ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
RCC Structures Design A T-beam behaves as a rectangular beam of a width equal to its flange if its neutral axis Remains below the slab None of these Remains within the flange Coincides the geometrical centre of the beam Remains below the slab None of these Remains within the flange Coincides the geometrical centre of the beam ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
RCC Structures Design An R.C.C. lintel is spanning an opening of 2 m span in a brick wall. The height of the roof is 2.9 m above the floor level and that of the opening is 2.1 m above the floor level. The lintel is to be designed for self weight plus Triangular load of the wall Triangular load + load from the roof UDL of wall + load from the roof UDL of wall Triangular load of the wall Triangular load + load from the roof UDL of wall + load from the roof UDL of wall ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
RCC Structures Design In a doubly-reinforced beam if ‘c’ and ‘t’ are stresses in concrete and tension reinforcement, ‘d’ is the effective depth and ‘n’ is depth of critical neutral axis, the following relationship holds good mc/t = (d - n)/t (m + c)/t = n/(d + n) mc/t = n/(d - n) (t + c)/n = (d + n)/n mc/t = (d - n)/t (m + c)/t = n/(d + n) mc/t = n/(d - n) (t + c)/n = (d + n)/n ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
RCC Structures Design If W is total load per unit area on a panel, D is the diameter of the column head, L is the span in two directions, then the sum of the maximum positive bending moment and average of the negative bending moment for the design of the span of a square flat slab, should not be less than WL/12 (L - 2D/3)² WL/12 (L - D/3)² WL/10 (L + 2D/3)² WL/10 (L - 2D/3)² WL/12 (L - 2D/3)² WL/12 (L - D/3)² WL/10 (L + 2D/3)² WL/10 (L - 2D/3)² ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP