Waste Water Engineering The clarigesters are Circular Imhoff double tanks with bottom hoppers Circular septic tanks Rectangular septic tanks Circular Imhoff double storey tanks without bottom hoppers Circular Imhoff double tanks with bottom hoppers Circular septic tanks Rectangular septic tanks Circular Imhoff double storey tanks without bottom hoppers ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Waste Water Engineering Sludge banks are formed if sewage is disposed of in Rivers Lakes Seas None of these Rivers Lakes Seas None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Waste Water Engineering When drainage to sewage ratio is 20, the peak dry weather flow is Slightly more than 5% of the design discharge 20% of the design discharge Slightly less than 5% of the design discharge None of these Slightly more than 5% of the design discharge 20% of the design discharge Slightly less than 5% of the design discharge None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Waste Water Engineering Boussinesq’s equation for ascertaining unit pressure at a depth on sewers due to traffic loads, is pt = 3H3p/2 Z5 pt = 3H3p/2 Z5 pt = 2H3p/3 Z5 pt = 2H3p/3 Z5 pt = 3H3p/2 Z5 pt = 3H3p/2 Z5 pt = 2H3p/3 Z5 pt = 2H3p/3 Z5 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Waste Water Engineering In olden days the type of section adopted in trunk and out fall sewers was Circular shaped Parabolic shaped Egg shaped Horse shoe shaped Circular shaped Parabolic shaped Egg shaped Horse shoe shaped ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Waste Water Engineering For efficient working of a sewer, it must be ensured that Minimum velocity of 0.45 m/sec, is maintained at its minimum flow Neither (A) nor (B) A maximum velocity of 0.90 m/sec, is maintained at its maximum flow Both (A) and (B) Minimum velocity of 0.45 m/sec, is maintained at its minimum flow Neither (A) nor (B) A maximum velocity of 0.90 m/sec, is maintained at its maximum flow Both (A) and (B) ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP