RCC Structures Design Pick up the incorrect statement from the following: Tensile reinforcement bars of a rectangular beam Are bent up at suitable places to serve as shear reinforcement Are bent down at suitable places to serve as shear reinforcement Are curtailed if not required to resist the bending moment Are maintained at bottom to provide at least local bond stress Are bent up at suitable places to serve as shear reinforcement Are bent down at suitable places to serve as shear reinforcement Are curtailed if not required to resist the bending moment Are maintained at bottom to provide at least local bond stress ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
RCC Structures Design For a continuous floor slab supported on beams, the ratio of end span length and intermediate span length, is 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.6 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
RCC Structures Design The maximum shear stress (qmax) in a rectangular beam is 1.75 times the average 1.25 times the average 1.50 times the average 2.0 times the average 1.75 times the average 1.25 times the average 1.50 times the average 2.0 times the average ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
RCC Structures Design Design of a two way slab simply supported on edges and having no provision to prevent the corners from lifting, is made by Grashoff formula Rankine formula Rankine Grashoff formula Marcus formula Grashoff formula Rankine formula Rankine Grashoff formula Marcus formula ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
RCC Structures Design The angle of repose of a soil is the maximum angle which the outer face of the soil mass makes With the vertical None of these With the perpendicular to the inclined plane of the soil With the horizontal With the vertical None of these With the perpendicular to the inclined plane of the soil With the horizontal ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
RCC Structures Design If jd is the lever arm and ΣO is the total perimeter of reinforcement of an R.C.C. beam, the bond stress at the section having Q shear force, is Q/3jdƩO Q/jdƩO Q/2jdƩO 2 × Q/jdƩO Q/3jdƩO Q/jdƩO Q/2jdƩO 2 × Q/jdƩO ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP