Waste Water Engineering In areas where rainy season is limited to a few months, the type of sewerage system recommended is Separate system Combined system None of these Partially separate system Separate system Combined system None of these Partially separate system ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Waste Water Engineering In case of sewer lines All listed here Test for straightness is carried out with the help of a lamp and mirror Obstruction test is carried out with the help of smooth ball of diameter 13 mm Water test is carried out to check water tightness of the joints All listed here Test for straightness is carried out with the help of a lamp and mirror Obstruction test is carried out with the help of smooth ball of diameter 13 mm Water test is carried out to check water tightness of the joints ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Waste Water Engineering The drainage area of a town is 12 hectares. Its 40% area is hard pavement ( K = 0.85), the 40% area is unpaved streets (K = 0.20) and the remaining is wooded areas (K = 0.15). Assuming the time of concentration for the areas as 30 minutes and using the formula Ps = 900/(t + 60) the maximum run off is 0.12 cumec 0.15 cumec 0.20 cumec 0.10 cumec 0.12 cumec 0.15 cumec 0.20 cumec 0.10 cumec ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Waste Water Engineering The sewer which transports the sewage to the point of treatment, is called Branch sewer Main sewer Out-fall sewer House sewer Branch sewer Main sewer Out-fall sewer House sewer ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Waste Water Engineering The design period in years for pumping plants, is 1 5 to 10 3 to 5 2 to 3 1 5 to 10 3 to 5 2 to 3 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Waste Water Engineering A five day B.O.D. at 15°C of the sewage of a town is 100 kg/day. If the 5 day B.O.D. per head at 15°C for standard sewage is 0.1 kg/day, the population equivalent is 1000 100 10000 5000 1000 100 10000 5000 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP