Theory of Machine
In a band and block brake, the ratio of tensions on tight side and slack side of the band is (where μ = Coefficient of friction between the blocks and the drum, θ = Semi-angle of each block subtending at the center of drum, and n = Number of blocks)

T₁/T₂ = [(1 + μ tanθ)/(1 - μ tanθ)]n
T₁/T₂ = μ. θ. n
T₁/T₂ = [(1 - μ tanθ)/(1 + μ tanθ)]n
T₁/T₂ = (μ θ)n


Theory of Machine
The magnitude of velocities of the points on a rigid link is

Inversely proportional to the distance from the points to the instantaneous center and is perpendicular to the line joining the point to the instantaneous center
Inversely proportional to the distance from the points to the instantaneous center and is parallel to the line joining the point to the instantaneous center
Directly proportional to the distance from the points to the instantaneous center and is parallel to the line joining the point to the instantaneous center
Directly proportional to the distance from the points to the instantaneous center and is perpendicular to the line joining the point to the instantaneous center