Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics in ME If the dynamic viscosity of a fluid is 0.5 poise and specific gravity is 0.5, then the kinematic viscosity of that fluid in stokes is 1 None of these 0.25 0.5 1 None of these 0.25 0.5 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics in ME If a pump is handling water and is discharging a certain flow Q at a constant total dynamic head requiring a definite B.H.P., the same pump when handling a liquid of specific gravity 0.75 and viscosity nearly same as of water , the horse power required will be 1.5 B.H.P H.P./0.75 Same 0.75 B.H.P 1.5 B.H.P H.P./0.75 Same 0.75 B.H.P ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics in ME The maximum efficiency of transmission through a pipe is 0.5 0.567 0.6667 0.7666 0.5 0.567 0.6667 0.7666 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics in ME Falling drops of water become spheres due to the property of cohesion viscosity adhesion surface tension cohesion viscosity adhesion surface tension ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics in ME Power required (in watts) to drive a centrifugal pump is (where Hm = Manometric head in metres, w = Specific weight in N/m3, Q = Discharge of the pump in m3/s, and ηo = Overall efficiency of the pump) (w Q) / (Hm × ηo) (w Q ηo) / Hm (w Hm) / (Q × ηo) (w Hm Q) / ηo (w Q) / (Hm × ηo) (w Q ηo) / Hm (w Hm) / (Q × ηo) (w Hm Q) / ηo ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics in ME A tank of uniform cross-sectional area (A) containing liquid upto height (H1) has an orifice of cross-sectional area (a) at its bottom. The time required to empty the tank completely will be (2AH₁3/2)/(Cd × a√2g) (2AH₁²)/(Cd × a√2g) (2A√H₁)/(Cd × a√2g) (2AH₁)/(Cd × a√2g) (2AH₁3/2)/(Cd × a√2g) (2AH₁²)/(Cd × a√2g) (2A√H₁)/(Cd × a√2g) (2AH₁)/(Cd × a√2g) ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP