JAVA Exceptions
Given the following piece of code:class SalaryCalculationException extends Exception{}class Person{ public void calculateSalary() throws SalaryCalculationException{ //... throw new SalaryCalculationException(); //... }}class Company{ public void paySalaries(){ new Person().calculateSalary(); }}Which of the following statements is correct?1. This code will compile without any problems.2. This code will compile if in method paySalaries() we return a boolean in stead of void.3. This code will compile if we add a try-catch block in paySalaries().4. This code will compile if we add throws SalaryCalculationException in the signature of method paySalaries().

2 and 3
2 and 4
3 and 4
1 and 4
1 and 2


JAVA Exceptions
What will be the result after the class Test execution?class A{ public void doA(){ B b = new B(); b.dobB(); System.out.print("doA"); }}class B{ public void dobB(){ C c = new C(); c.doC(); System.out.print("doB"); }}class C{ public void doC(){ if(true) throw new NullPointerException(); System.out.print("doC"); }}public class Test{ public static void main(String args[]){ try{ A a = new A(); a.doA(); }catch(Exception ex){ System.out.print("error"); } }}

"doBdoAerror" is printed
"error" is printed
"doAdoBdoC" is printed
"doCdoBdoA" is printed
nothing is printed