MGVCL Exam Paper (30-07-2021 Shift 1)
Case 1: The PV connected to the DC bus was injecting 20 kW of power constituting of 1 kW of loss Case 2: The same PV is connected to the AC bus constituting to 1.5 kW loss. Find out the change in efficiency from Case 1 to Case 2?
In DC microgrid system, Efficiency α 1/Pin For 1 kW loss injecting power is 20 kW For 1.5 kW loss injecting power will be proportional to 30 kW So, Efficiency will be reduced 0.025
For small turbine starts generating power 12.6 kph (3.5 m/s) is the typical cut-in speed. At 36–54 kph (10–15 m/s) produces maximum generation power. At 90 kph (25 m/s) maximum, the turbine is stopped or braked.