Microprocessor A microprocessor differentiates between op code, data/address at any time by its internal registers the program counter the sequence in which memory contents are fetched by it the stack pointer its internal registers the program counter the sequence in which memory contents are fetched by it the stack pointer ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor In a C expression using assignment operators, relational operators and arithmetic operators, the hierarchy of operations (in the absence of parenthesis) is Relational, assignment, arithmetic Assignment, relational, arithmetic Arithmetic, relational, assignment Arithmetic, assignment, relational Relational, assignment, arithmetic Assignment, relational, arithmetic Arithmetic, relational, assignment Arithmetic, assignment, relational ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor A microprocessor is ALU register unit and control unit on a single chip. register unit and I/O device on a single chip. and control unit on a single chip. and memory on a single chip. register unit and control unit on a single chip. register unit and I/O device on a single chip. and control unit on a single chip. and memory on a single chip. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor The relation among IC (Instruction Cycle), FC (Fetch cycle) and EC (Execute Cycle) is EC = IC + FC IC = FC + EC IC = FC + 2EC IC = FC - EC EC = IC + FC IC = FC + EC IC = FC + 2EC IC = FC - EC ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor How can we make any bit of a register “1”? OR that bit with “0” and remaining bits with “1”. OR that bit with “1” and remaining bits with “0”. AND that bit with “1” and remaining bits with “0”. AND that bit with “0” and remaining bits with “1”. OR that bit with “0” and remaining bits with “1”. OR that bit with “1” and remaining bits with “0”. AND that bit with “1” and remaining bits with “0”. AND that bit with “0” and remaining bits with “1”. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor What is SIM? None of these. Set interrupt mask. Sorting interrupt mask. Select interrupt mask. None of these. Set interrupt mask. Sorting interrupt mask. Select interrupt mask. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP