Microprocessor A high on RESET OUT signifies that all the registers and counters are being reset and this signal can be used to reset external support chip processing can begin when this signal goes high all the registers of the CPU are being reset all the registers and counters are being reset all the registers and counters are being reset and this signal can be used to reset external support chip processing can begin when this signal goes high all the registers of the CPU are being reset all the registers and counters are being reset ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor The content of the A15-A8 (higher order address lines) while executing “IN 8-bit port address” instruction are all bits reset (i.e. 00H) irrelevant same as the content of A7-A0 all bits set (i.e. FFH) all bits reset (i.e. 00H) irrelevant same as the content of A7-A0 all bits set (i.e. FFH) ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor An I/O processor controls the flow of information between Cache memory and I/O devices Main memory and I/O devices Cache and main memory Two I/O devices Cache memory and I/O devices Main memory and I/O devices Cache and main memory Two I/O devices ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor Output of the assembler in machine codes is referred to as Symbolic addressing Object program Macroinstruction Source program Symbolic addressing Object program Macroinstruction Source program ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor Which of the following interrupt is both level and edge sensitive? TRAP RST 7.5 INTR RST 5.5 TRAP RST 7.5 INTR RST 5.5 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor SPHL instruction copies the content of H-L register pair to the _________. Stack Pointer B-C D-E PSW Stack Pointer B-C D-E PSW ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP