Microprocessor PSW stands for accumulator and flag register contents accumulator contents flag byte none accumulator and flag register contents accumulator contents flag byte none ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor Pick up the programmable interrupt controller from the following 8259 8279 8275 8257 8259 8279 8275 8257 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor When any data transfer instruction, to transfer the data from memory to microprocessor, is executed the condition flags are always reset not affected affected indicating specific conditions always set always reset not affected affected indicating specific conditions always set ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor After RESET 8255 will be in mode 0; all ports are input mode 2 mode 0; all ports are output unchanged condition mode 0; all ports are input mode 2 mode 0; all ports are output unchanged condition ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor The forms of IF statements in FORTRAN 77 are called Logic IF, block IF, arithmetic IF and negate IF Logical IF and arithmetic IF Logical IF, block IF and arithmetic IF Logical IF and Block IF Logic IF, block IF, arithmetic IF and negate IF Logical IF and arithmetic IF Logical IF, block IF and arithmetic IF Logical IF and Block IF ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor In an 8085 microprocessor based system, the contents of SP are 1000H, PUSH B instruction will transfer the contents of registers B & C respectively for memory locations 1000 H and 0FFF H 1000 H and 1001 H 0FFE H and 0FFF H 0FFF H and 0FFE H 1000 H and 0FFF H 1000 H and 1001 H 0FFE H and 0FFF H 0FFF H and 0FFE H ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP