Microprocessor A combinational PLD with a fixed AND array and a programmable OR array is called a PLD PLA PROM PAL PLD PLA PROM PAL ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor A single instruction to clear the lower nibble of accumulator in 8085 language assembly is ANI OFH XRI FOH XRI 0FH ANI F0H ANI OFH XRI FOH XRI 0FH ANI F0H ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor The instruction set of a microprocessor is specified by the user cannot be changed by the user is specified by the manufacturers is stored inside the microprocessor is specified by the user cannot be changed by the user is specified by the manufacturers is stored inside the microprocessor ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor What is used to access 16-bit data in 8086? Memory Banking. None of these Pipeline architecture. Data Banking. Memory Banking. None of these Pipeline architecture. Data Banking. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor The first machine cycle of an instruction is always A memory read cycle A memory write cycle An I/O read cycle A fetch cycle A memory read cycle A memory write cycle An I/O read cycle A fetch cycle ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor While using a frequency counter for measuring frequency, two modes of measurement are possible: Period time Frequency mode There is a ‘cross-over frequency’ below which the period mode is preferred. Assuming the crystal oscillator frequency to be 4MHz, the crossover frequency is given by 2 Khz. 2 Mhz. 1Khz. 8 Mhz. 2 Khz. 2 Mhz. 1Khz. 8 Mhz. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP