Medieval History Art And Culture
Which of the following were the functions of Bakshi in the Akbar’s administartion?1. Bakshi was appointed by the imperial court at the recommendation of the Mir Bakshi.2. Bakshi was responsible for checking and inspecting the horses and soldiers which were maintained by the mansabdars in the suba.Select the correct option from the codes given below:
Bakshi was appointed by the imperial court at the recommendation of the Mir Bakshi. Bakshi was responsible for checking and inspecting the horses and soldiers which were maintained by the mansabdars in the suba.
Khwaja Abu Malik Isami is the author of Futuh-al-Salatin is yet another elaborate account of the Delhi Sultanate. It consists of almost 12,000 verses. The Futuh-us-Salatin is a history of Muslim rule in India until 1349-50.