JAVA Interfaces and Abstract Classes What will be the output for the below code ?public interface TestInf{ int i =10;}public class Test{ public static void main(String... args){ TestInf.i=12; System.out.println(TestInf.i); }} 10 Runtime Exception None of these Compile with error 12 10 Runtime Exception None of these Compile with error 12 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
JAVA Interfaces and Abstract Classes Which of the following is a correct interface? abstract interface A { print(); } interface A { void print(); } abstract interface A { abstract void print(); { }} interface A { void print() { } } abstract interface A { print(); } interface A { void print(); } abstract interface A { abstract void print(); { }} interface A { void print() { } } ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
JAVA Interfaces and Abstract Classes Runnable is a _____ . method class interface abstract class vaiable method class interface abstract class vaiable ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
JAVA Interfaces and Abstract Classes What will be the output?1. public interface InfA{2. protected String getName();3. }public class Test implements InfA{ public String getName(){ return "test-name"; } public static void main (String[] args){ Test t = new Test(); System.out.println(t.getName()); }} Compilation fails due to an error on lines 2 test-name Compilation fails due to an error on lines 1 None of these Compilation succeed but Runtime Exception Compilation fails due to an error on lines 2 test-name Compilation fails due to an error on lines 1 None of these Compilation succeed but Runtime Exception ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
JAVA Interfaces and Abstract Classes Which two of the following are legal declarations for abstract classes and interfaces?1. final abstract class Test {}2. public static interface Test {}3. final public class Test {}4. protected abstract class Test {}5. protected interface Test {}6. abstract public class Test {} 5 and 6 2 and 4 3 and 5 1 and 2 3 and 6 5 and 6 2 and 4 3 and 5 1 and 2 3 and 6 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
JAVA Interfaces and Abstract Classes What will be the output?interface A{public void method();}class One{public void method(){System.out.println("Class One method");}}class Two extends One implements A{public void method(){System.out.println("Class Two method");}}public class Test extends Two{public static void main(String[] args){A a = new Two();a.method();}} Compilation Error will print Class One method compiles fine but print nothing None of these will print Class Two method Compilation Error will print Class One method compiles fine but print nothing None of these will print Class Two method ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP