In bias differential protection for transformer, There are two basic settings required to setup the percentage biased differential protection. 1. Minimum pickup 2. The slope.
The minimum pick-up covers the transformer magnetizing current typically 1-4% of transformer rating. A pick up of 0.2 to 0.3 times the TAP is recommended for general cases.
The slope is defined by determining the potential sources of differential current.
Bus Type - Known Parameter - Unknown Parameter Load Bus -P, Q - V, phase angle Generator Bus - P, V (magnitude) - Q, Voltage phase angle Slack Bus Voltage - magnitude and phase angle - P, Q
For t = 0 in RC circuit, After t = 0+ condition, capacitor is behave as short circuit. Voltage across the it 0. At final time, Capacitor is behave as open circuit, voltage across the capacitor at final time is equal to 15 V.