GETCO Exam Paper (22-07-2015) Slip at maximum torque depends on load current stator reactance stator resistance rotor resistance and reactance load current stator reactance stator resistance rotor resistance and reactance ANSWER EXPLANATION DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP at maximum torque:S=R₂/X₂
GETCO Exam Paper (22-07-2015) The surge impedance loading of the line will _____ if the length of the line is double become half remains same four times double become half remains same four times double ANSWER EXPLANATION DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP Surge impedance is independent of length of the line
GETCO Exam Paper (22-07-2015) The power factor of the arc in circuit breaker is always lagging always leading always zero always unity always lagging always leading always zero always unity ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
GETCO Exam Paper (22-07-2015) Penalty factor in power system economical operation is measure of all are correct generation cost fuel cost Line loss all are correct generation cost fuel cost Line loss ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
GETCO Exam Paper (22-07-2015) The steady state stability of the power systems is most effected by voltage at generator bus power factor of the load transmission line reactance stability of generator voltage at generator bus power factor of the load transmission line reactance stability of generator ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
GETCO Exam Paper (22-07-2015) The area under the load duration curve represents average load of the system base load of the system energy generated in the period considered Maximum demand of the power station average load of the system base load of the system energy generated in the period considered Maximum demand of the power station ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP