Carrier current over the power line provides simultaneous tripping of circuit breakers at both ends of the line in one to three cycles. Thereby high-speed fault clearing is obtained, which improves the power system stability. The auto-reclosing simultaneous reclosing signal is sent thereby simultaneous (1 to 3 cycles) reclosing of the circuit breaker is obtained. For simultaneous faults, carrier-current protection provides easy discrimination.
As per answer key "pilot protection" is true but there is mistake the right answer is "none".
A grid-interactive photovoltaic (PV) system uses solar energy to generate renewable power that charges batteries for use during power failures and feeds power into the electricity grid. Grid-interactive systems are based on their grid-tied and off-grid counterparts.
Bus Type - Known Parameter - Unknown Parameter Load Bus -P, Q - V, phase angle Generator Bus - P, V (magnitude) - Q, Voltage phase angle Slack Bus Voltage - magnitude and phase angle - P, Q
Voltage sag: It is usually associated with system faults but can also be caused by energization of heavy loads or starting of large motors. Voltage sag is the short reduction in the RMS voltage between 0.1 to 0.9 pu for a duration of 0.5 cycle to 1 minute