Carrier current over the power line provides simultaneous tripping of circuit breakers at both ends of the line in one to three cycles. Thereby high-speed fault clearing is obtained, which improves the power system stability. The auto-reclosing simultaneous reclosing signal is sent thereby simultaneous (1 to 3 cycles) reclosing of the circuit breaker is obtained. For simultaneous faults, carrier-current protection provides easy discrimination.
As per answer key "pilot protection" is true but there is mistake the right answer is "none".
Bus Type - Known Parameter - Unknown Parameter Load Bus -P, Q - V, phase angle Generator Bus - P, V (magnitude) - Q, Voltage phase angle Slack Bus Voltage - magnitude and phase angle - P, Q
Power factor for purely inductive circuit is 0 and power factor angle is 90 degree. Power factor for purely capacitive circuit is 0 and power factor angle is 90 degree Power factor for purely resistive circuit is 1 and power factor angle is 0 degree