Ordering of Sentences
In each question, the first and the last sentences of the passage are numbered S1 and S6 respectively. The rest of the passage is split into four parts. These four sentences are jumbled. Read the sentences and identify their correct and logical order. S1: The mail is first collected from different letter boxes.P: From there it is sent to the head post office.Q: It is then sorted out at the sorting office.R: The mail is again sorted out at the head office by the concerned beat postman.S: The sorted mail is sent to the zonal post office.S6: Finally it is delivered to us.The Proper sequence should be:



Ordering of Sentences
In each question, the first and the last sentences of the passage are numbered S1 and S6 respectively. The rest of the passage is split into four parts. These four sentences are jumbled. Read the sentences and identify their correct and logical order. S1: Mr. Ford, it is commonly reported, once declared that history was "bunk".P: Yet the American, generally speaking, is by no means ignorant of history or uninfluenced by his knowledge of it.Q: This remarkable utterance of his, if indeed he made it, was in itself an outcome of history.R: The Americans know more about our history than we know about theirs, though I hope that will soon be remedied.S: Such contempt for all things past, and such engaging frankness in expressing it were themselves the outcome of the social history of the United States in the 19th century.S6: And the American's conception of his own country as the representative of freedom and of democracy is the product of history as popularly taught and conceived over there.The Proper sequence should be:



Ordering of Sentences
In each question, the first and the last sentences of the passage are numbered S1 and S6 respectively. The rest of the passage is split into four parts. These four sentences are jumbled. Read the sentences and identify their correct and logical order. S1: She used to work at the desk next to mine in the office several years ago.P: But it must have been exasperating that a male sitting beside her was doing the same work as she was and being paid more.Q: She is certain to be still there , in the same old brown suit and fur lined boots.R: She was as kind as she was efficient.S: Now she and all her friends have won their long campaign for the justice of equal pay to be recognised.S6: I am glad that their demands have been accepted.The Proper sequence should be:



Ordering of Sentences
In each question, the first and the last sentences of the passage are numbered S1 and S6 respectively. The rest of the passage is split into four parts. These four sentences are jumbled. Read the sentences and identify their correct and logical order. S1: Of the various kinds of insect defences that of the North American fungus - eating beetle is quite unusual.P: Both ants as well as mammals such as deer mice feed on this beetle.Q: This little beetle is able to recognise the kind of predator coming towards it and accordingly adopts a suitable defence.R: When facing a deer mouse, the beetle secretes an irritant from certain glands in its abdomen.S: While the beetle simply rolls itself into a compact ball in the face of an ant attack, it copes with the deer mouse differently.S6: The beetle's chemical secretion keeps the deer mouse at bay.The Proper sequence should be:



Ordering of Sentences
In each question, the first and the last sentences of the passage are numbered S1 and S6 respectively. The rest of the passage is split into four parts. These four sentences are jumbled. Read the sentences and identify their correct and logical order. S1: In a good many cases unnecessary timidity makes the trouble worse than it need be.P: I am not, of course, thinking of extreme forms of defiance.Q: If you show that you are afraid of them, you give promise of good hunting, whereas if you show indifference, they begin to doubt their own power and, therefore, tend to let you alone.R: A dog will bark more loudly and bite more easily when people are afraid of him than when they treat him with contempt, and the human herd has something of this same characteristic.S: Public opinion is always more tyrannical towards those who obviously fear it than towards those who feel indifferent to it.S6: If you hold in Delhi the views that are conventional in Delhi, you much accept the consequences.The Proper sequence should be: