MGVCL Exam Paper (30-07-2021 Shift 2)
In the RLC series circuit shown in figure, resonance occurs when the value of C is 20 µF. The supply voltages is v(t) = 20 sin (500t) V. Find the value of L.
Here, ω = 500 rad/sec = 2πf. At Resonance condition, ωL = 1/(ωC) L 0.2 H Also at series resonace 1. fr = 1/[2π√(LC)] 2. PF = 1 3. Maximum current 4. Source voltage = voltage across resistor.
Where, d is distance in m Q is value of variable resistor in ohm P is variable resistance in ohm Here Q/P = 1/3 is given, d = Q/(P + Q)*Loop length = 1/4*(2*600) = 300 m