Power Electronics In reverse blocking mode of a thyristor junction J3 is in forward bias and J1, J2 in reverse bias. junction J2 is in reverse bias and J1, J3 is in forward bias. junction J1 and J2 is in forward bias and J3 is in reverse bias. junction J1, J3 is in reverse bias and J2 is in forward bias. junction J3 is in forward bias and J1, J2 in reverse bias. junction J2 is in reverse bias and J1, J3 is in forward bias. junction J1 and J2 is in forward bias and J3 is in reverse bias. junction J1, J3 is in reverse bias and J2 is in forward bias. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Power Electronics A thyristor string is made of a no. of SCR connected in series and parallel. The string have volume and current of 11 KV and 4 KA. The voltage and current rating of available SCRs are 1800 V and 1000 A. For a string efficiency of 90 % let the number of SCRs in series and parallel are a and b respectively. Then the value of a and b will be 6, 4. 5, 7. 7, 5. 4, 6. 6, 4. 5, 7. 7, 5. 4, 6. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Power Electronics Which semiconductor device acts like a diode and two transistor? SCR. Diac. UJT. Triac. SCR. Diac. UJT. Triac. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Power Electronics The normal way to turn on a diac is by ___________. Gate voltage None of these Gate current Breakover voltage Gate voltage None of these Gate current Breakover voltage ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Power Electronics A thyristor can termed as DC switch. Square wave switch. Both a and B. AC switch. DC switch. Square wave switch. Both a and B. AC switch. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Power Electronics Calculate the maximum voltage that can be safely blocked by the string shown in figure, if maximum allowable leakage current is 2 mA? 6 KV. 2 KV. 10 KV. 8 KV. 6 KV. 2 KV. 10 KV. 8 KV. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP