Minimum tube sheet thickness (in which tubes are fixed) is equal to the O.D. of the tube upto 15 mm tube diameter; and for > 15 mm tube diameter, tube sheet thickness is smaller than tube diameter
Minimum cleaning lane of 6.5 mm is provided, when tubes are on a square pitch
O.D. of the tube is 6 to 40 mm while the tube lengths used are 0.5, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6 metres
An increased weir height improves the tray efficiency at the cost of high plate pressure drop; optimum wear height being 40-90 mm for column pressure above atmospheric and 6-12 mm for vacuum columns
For segmental downcomers, the chord length is 60-80% of the column diameter. An initial value of downcomer area of 12% is taken in the design
Minimum recommended downcomer residence time for the disengagement of entrained vapour is the same for both foaming and non-foaming liquids, which is about 20 seconds
Width of the calming section provided at the inlet and outlet sides of the plate is 75 mm for column diameter below 1.5 metres and 100 mm for larger diameter columns