MGVCL Exam Paper (30-07-2021 Shift 2) In a short circuit test on circuit breaker, time to reach the peak re-striking voltage is 50 µs with the peak restriking voltage of 100 kV. Determine average RRRV (Rate of rise re-striking voltage)? 4 x 10⁶ kV/sec 1 x 10⁶ kV/sec 3 x 10⁶ kV/sec 2 x 10⁶ kV/sec 4 x 10⁶ kV/sec 1 x 10⁶ kV/sec 3 x 10⁶ kV/sec 2 x 10⁶ kV/sec ANSWER EXPLANATION DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP RRRV = Peak value of restriking voltage/time to reach the peak re-striking voltageRRRV = 100*1000/(50 μs)RRRV = 2*10⁶ kV/sec
MGVCL Exam Paper (30-07-2021 Shift 2) In the context of smart meters, the term 'SMETS' stand for Standard Metering Equipment Technical Specifications Smart Metering Equipment Technical Specifications Smart Monitoring Equipment Technical Specifications Standard Monitoring Equipment Technical Specifications Standard Metering Equipment Technical Specifications Smart Metering Equipment Technical Specifications Smart Monitoring Equipment Technical Specifications Standard Monitoring Equipment Technical Specifications ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
MGVCL Exam Paper (30-07-2021 Shift 2) Which of the following is a national organisation monitoring the doping control programme in sports in India? International Anti-Doping Protocol Primary Anti-Doping Agency Indian Anti-Doping Agency National Anti-Doping Agency International Anti-Doping Protocol Primary Anti-Doping Agency Indian Anti-Doping Agency National Anti-Doping Agency ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
MGVCL Exam Paper (30-07-2021 Shift 2) In a synchronous motor with field under excited, the power factor will be lagging zero leading unity lagging zero leading unity ANSWER EXPLANATION DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP For synchronous motor,Under excitation - Lagging power factorOver excitation - Leading power factorFor synchronous generatorUnder excitation - Leading power factorOver excitation - lagging power factor
MGVCL Exam Paper (30-07-2021 Shift 2) If all the devices are connected to a central hub, then the topology is called Bus Topology Tree Topology Tree Topology Star Topology Bus Topology Tree Topology Tree Topology Star Topology ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
MGVCL Exam Paper (30-07-2021 Shift 2) A single phase motor connected to 415 V, 50 Hz supply takes 30 A at a power factor of 0.7 lagging. Calculate the capacitance required in parallel with the motor to raise the power factor to 0.9 lagging. 76.32 µF 86.32 µF 96.32 µF 66.32 µF 76.32 µF 86.32 µF 96.32 µF 66.32 µF ANSWER EXPLANATION DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP P = VIcosφ = 8715 wattQ = VAR required to improve PF = P(tanφ₁ - tanφ₂) = 4670 VARCapacitive Reactance, Xc = V²/Q = 36.8790 ohm.C = (2πfXc)⁻¹ = 86.314 μF