Microprocessor In a microprocessor based system the stack is always in ROM RAM EPROM microprocessor ROM RAM EPROM microprocessor ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor ALU (Arithmetic and Logic Unit ) of 8085 microprocessor consists of Accumulator, arithmetic, logic circuits and five flags Accumulator, temporary register, arithmetic and logic circuits Accumulator, temporary register, arithmetic, logic circuits and five flags Accumulator, arithmetic and logic circuits Accumulator, arithmetic, logic circuits and five flags Accumulator, temporary register, arithmetic and logic circuits Accumulator, temporary register, arithmetic, logic circuits and five flags Accumulator, arithmetic and logic circuits ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor Which of the following instruction will never affect the zero flag? DCX Rp DCR R XRA R ORA R DCX Rp DCR R XRA R ORA R ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor In Fortran 77 a variable name can contain special characters. True False True False ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor SUB A instruction in 8085 reset carry and sign flags reset zero and parity flags sets zero and sign flags sets zero and carry flags reset carry and sign flags reset zero and parity flags sets zero and sign flags sets zero and carry flags ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor Which language could be used for programming an FPGA. Verilog VHDL None Both A and B Verilog VHDL None Both A and B ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP