Theory of Machine In a Hartnell governor, the lift of the sleeve is given by (where r₁ and r₂ = Max. and min. radii of rotation, x = Length of ball arm of the lever, and y = Length of sleeve arm of the lever) (r₁ + r₂) (y/x) (r₁ - r₂) (x/y) (r₁ - r₂) (y/x) (r₁ + r₂) (x/y) (r₁ + r₂) (y/x) (r₁ - r₂) (x/y) (r₁ - r₂) (y/x) (r₁ + r₂) (x/y) ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Theory of Machine The stress induced in a body will be shear stress, when it is subjected to None of these Torsional vibrations Longitudinal vibrations Transverse vibrations None of these Torsional vibrations Longitudinal vibrations Transverse vibrations ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Theory of Machine The unbalanced force due to reciprocating masses Varies in magnitude but constant in direction Varies in direction but constant in magnitude Varies in magnitude and direction both Constant in magnitude and direction both Varies in magnitude but constant in direction Varies in direction but constant in magnitude Varies in magnitude and direction both Constant in magnitude and direction both ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Theory of Machine Sensitiveness of the governor is defined as the ratio of the Sum of the maximum and minimum equilibrium speeds to the mean speed Mean speed to the minimum equilibrium speed Mean speed to the maximum equilibrium speed Difference of the maximum and minimum equilibrium speeds to the mean speed Sum of the maximum and minimum equilibrium speeds to the mean speed Mean speed to the minimum equilibrium speed Mean speed to the maximum equilibrium speed Difference of the maximum and minimum equilibrium speeds to the mean speed ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Theory of Machine Which of the following governor is used to drive a gramophone? Watt governor Hartnell governor Pickering governor Porter governor Watt governor Hartnell governor Pickering governor Porter governor ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Theory of Machine The maximum efficiency of spiral gears is (where θ = Shaft angle, and φ = Friction angle) cos (θ - φ) + 1/ cos (θ + φ) + 1 cos (θ - φ) + 1/ sin (θ + φ) + 1 sin (θ + φ) + 1/ cos (θ - φ) + 1 cos (θ + φ) + 1/ cos (θ - φ) + 1 cos (θ - φ) + 1/ cos (θ + φ) + 1 cos (θ - φ) + 1/ sin (θ + φ) + 1 sin (θ + φ) + 1/ cos (θ - φ) + 1 cos (θ + φ) + 1/ cos (θ - φ) + 1 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP