Theory of Machine In a Hartnell governor, the lift of the sleeve is given by (where r₁ and r₂ = Max. and min. radii of rotation, x = Length of ball arm of the lever, and y = Length of sleeve arm of the lever) (r₁ + r₂) (x/y) (r₁ - r₂) (y/x) (r₁ - r₂) (x/y) (r₁ + r₂) (y/x) (r₁ + r₂) (x/y) (r₁ - r₂) (y/x) (r₁ - r₂) (x/y) (r₁ + r₂) (y/x) ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Theory of Machine The balancing of a rigid rotor can be achieved by appropriately placing balancing masses in A single plane Four planes Three planes Two planes A single plane Four planes Three planes Two planes ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Theory of Machine In a mechanism, usually one link is fixed. If the fixed link is changed in a kinematic chain, then relative motion of other links Will remain same Could change or remain unaltered depending on which link is fixed Will not occur Will change Will remain same Could change or remain unaltered depending on which link is fixed Will not occur Will change ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Theory of Machine In a coupling rod of a locomotive, each of the four pairs is a ________ pair. Screw Rolling Sliding Turning Screw Rolling Sliding Turning ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Theory of Machine The example of rolling pair is Ball bearing and roller bearing Lead screw of a lathe Bolt and nut Ball and socket joint Ball bearing and roller bearing Lead screw of a lathe Bolt and nut Ball and socket joint ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Theory of Machine An automobile steering gear is an example of Sliding pair Rolling pair Lower pair Higher pair Sliding pair Rolling pair Lower pair Higher pair ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP