As per the key statistics data of IEA With electricity consumption reached to 1,164 TWh in the country till November 2019, India ranked third among the top ten electricity consuming countries across the globe.
The series electromagnet is energized by a coil known as current coil which is connected in series with the load so that it carry the load current. The flux produced by this magnet is proportional to and in phase with the load current.
The second generation of smart meters are known as SMETS 2. Full form of SMET is Smart Metering Equipment Technical Specifications. It is with the previous generation known as SMETS 1. SMETS 2 smart meters were introduced in 2018.
Thermistors are ideal when measuring a single point temperature that is within 50°C of ambient. If the temperatures are excessively high or low, a thermistor will not work. Most thermistors work best in the range between -55°C and +114°C. Sensitivity of thermistor is high. Span value of thermistor is low.