MGVCL Exam Paper (30-07-2021 Shift 1)
The necessary equation to be solved during the load flow analysis using Fast-Decoupled methid is given below: where B' and B'' are formed using the imaginary part of the bus admittance matrix Ybus, n is the total number of buses in the system, m is the number of voltage regulated buses. The size of matrix B' is ∆P/|Vi|= -B' ∆δ ∆Q/|Vi| = -B'' ∆|Vi|
In FDLF method, B' corresponds to susceptance of unknown of PQ and PV bus Order of B' matrix is = (n -1)*(n - 1) Where n is total no. of buses. Order of B'' = (n - m - 1)*(n - m - 1)
The magnitude of earth fault current for a given fault position within a winding demands upon the winding connections and method of neutral grounding. Earth fault protection for an electric motor is provide by instantaneous relay having a setting of approximately 30% of motor rated current in the residual circuits of two CTs and with ground wire.