Intern turn winding fault can be easily detect by differential protection relay. Also detect by buchholz relay (gas operated relay), cause buchholz relay is used to detect the internal fault of transformer.
Let, E→EMF in volt φ→Flux in weber A→Parallel path (for wave winding = 2) Z→No. of armature conductors N→speed in rpm P = Number of poles E = PφNZ/(60A) E = 8*0.020*625/(60*2) E = 500 V
For small turbine starts generating power 12.6 kph (3.5 m/s) is the typical cut-in speed. At 36–54 kph (10–15 m/s) produces maximum generation power. At 90 kph (25 m/s) maximum, the turbine is stopped or braked.