GETCO Exam Paper (22-07-2015) For a given transformer volte/turn for primary and secondary winding is depends on load different same depends on transformer design depends on load different same depends on transformer design ANSWER EXPLANATION DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP emf = 4.44*f*φ*Temf/T = 4.44*f*φ
GETCO Exam Paper (22-07-2015) Merz-Price protection is employed for protection of alternators motor transmission lines circuit breaker alternators motor transmission lines circuit breaker ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
GETCO Exam Paper (22-07-2015) The power factor of the arc in circuit breaker is always zero always lagging always leading always unity always zero always lagging always leading always unity ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
GETCO Exam Paper (22-07-2015) In rotating electrical machines, the insulation temperature limit for class B type is 180˚C 105˚C 130˚C 150˚C 180˚C 105˚C 130˚C 150˚C ANSWER EXPLANATION DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP insulation Class and temperature limit(in ˚C) is given below:Y - 90A- 105E- 120B-130F-155H-180C- above 180
GETCO Exam Paper (22-07-2015) HVDC transmission is preferred to EHV AC because System stability can be improved Harmonic problem is avoided Its terminal equipment are inexpensive VAR compensation is not required in it System stability can be improved Harmonic problem is avoided Its terminal equipment are inexpensive VAR compensation is not required in it ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
GETCO Exam Paper (22-07-2015) The line current in a three phase unbalanced load are Ir= 4+j6, Ib= 2-j2 and Ic= -3+j2, then zero sequence component of current will be 1 + j2 9 + j10 3 + j6 3 - j6 1 + j2 9 + j10 3 + j6 3 - j6 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP