The greatest number when divide 147,185 and 251 leaving the remainders 3,5 and 11.Means the greatest number is not exactly dividing the given numbers. If we subtract the remainders from the respective numbers, then they are exactly divisible by the greatest numbers. The required greatest number = HCF of (147 - 3),(185-5) and ( 251-11) =HCF of 144,180 and 240 =12
Let the numbers be 37a and 37b.Then, 37a x 37b = 4107 ab = 3.Now, co-primes with product 3 are (1, 3).So, the required numbers are (37 x 1, 37 x 3) i.e., (37, 111). Greater number = 111.
To express any fraction in simple (small form), we have to find the HCF of numerator and denominator. 1095)1168(1 1095 73)1095(15 1095 ——— 0 HCF of 1095 and 1168 is 73Therefore (1168/73)/(1095/73) = 16/15