Microprocessor A single instruction to clear the lower nibble of accumulator in 8085 language assembly is XRI 0FH XRI FOH ANI OFH ANI F0H XRI 0FH XRI FOH ANI OFH ANI F0H ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor Which of the following is type declaration statement in C? s = s + 1 prin = prin * prin king = horse + 1 int bar s = s + 1 prin = prin * prin king = horse + 1 int bar ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor The clock speed of 8085 is 3.2KHz. 1KHz. 3.2MHz. 1MHz. 3.2KHz. 1KHz. 3.2MHz. 1MHz. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor An I/O processor controls the flow of information between Two I/O devices Cache memory and I/O devices Cache and main memory Main memory and I/O devices Two I/O devices Cache memory and I/O devices Cache and main memory Main memory and I/O devices ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor Which of the following instruction will never affect the zero flag? XRA R DCX Rp ORA R DCR R XRA R DCX Rp ORA R DCR R ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor PSW stands for none accumulator contents accumulator and flag register contents flag byte none accumulator contents accumulator and flag register contents flag byte ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP