Theory of Machine
A fixed gear having 200 teeth is in mesh with another gear having 50 teeth. The two gears are connected by an arm. The number of turns made by the smaller gear for one revolution of arm about the centre of bigger gear is

Theory of Machine
A thin circular disc is rolling with a uniform linear speed, along a straight path on a plane surface. Which of the following statement is correct in this regard?

The centre of the disc has centrifugal acceleration
All points of the disc have the same velocity
The point on the disc making contact with the plane surface has zero acceleration
The centre of the disc has zero acceleration


Theory of Machine
The direction of Coriolis component of acceleration is the direction

Along the centripetal acceleration
Of relative velocity vector for the two coincident points rotated by 90° in the direction of the angular velocity of the rotation of the link
Along tangential acceleration
Along perpendicular to angular velocity