Converting the given fractions into decimal form, we have,8/9 = 0.8818/23 = 0.7816/21 = 0.7614/17 = 0.82From the above, 0.88 is the largest.Corresponding fraction is 8/9.
(489.1375 x 0.0483 x 1.956) / (0.0873 x 92.581 x 99.749)= (489 x 0.05 x 2) / (0.09 x 93 x 100)= 489 / (9 x 93 x 10)= (163 / 279) x (1 / 10)= 0.58 / 10= 0.058 or 0.06
Given expression [(0.3333)/(0.2222)] x [((0.1667)(0.8333)) / ((0.6667)(0.1250))]=[(3333 / 2222)] x [((1/6) x (5/6)) / ((2/3) x (125/1000))]=[(3/2) x (1/6) x (5/6) x (3/2) x 8]=5 / 2=2.50