Medieval History Art And Culture
Which of the following are the early known Sufis of the 8th century?1. Rabia al-Adawiya2. Al-Junaid3. Bayazid BastamiSelect the correct option from the codes given below:
Sufism or mysticism emerged in the 8th century. Some of the early known Sufis are as follows: Rabia al-Adawiya, Al-Junaid, and Bayazid Bastami. Sufism evolved into a well-developed movement by the end of the 11th century.
The Vijaynagar and the Brahmini kingdoms are always at war for various reasons. The delta region between Krishna and Tungabhadra along with Krishna Godavari delta is a major issue. It is a Marathawada country.
Babur first established himself in Kabul in 1504 A.D. and then pushed steadily southward into India from Afghanistanthrough the Khyber Pass. Later he successfully captured Bhira, Sialkot, and Lahore in Punjab.
Qutbuddin Bakhtiar Kaki, who was born in Aush in Farghana was the leading disciple of Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti came to Delhi where he was warmly welcomed and extended patronage by lItutmish.