Unix Which command is used with vi editor scroll half page backward? [Control -P] [Control-c] None of these [Control - u] [Control-d] [Control -P] [Control-c] None of these [Control - u] [Control-d] ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which command is used to print a file? prn lp print pg prn lp print pg ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which command is used to locate all the .profile files in the system? find /-name profile -print ls profile None of these cd /.profile l -u .profile find /-name profile -print ls profile None of these cd /.profile l -u .profile ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which command is used to terminate a process? cancel kill shutdown haltsys cancel kill shutdown haltsys ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which command will be used with vi editor to replace text from cursor to right? C c r R C c r R ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which command is used with vi editor to move cursor forward to first occurrence of character 'ch' in the current line? fch tch ech None of these rch fch tch ech None of these rch ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP