Unix Which command is used to copy a file wb with the same name from the programs directory to the misc directory? None of these copy programs/wb misc/wb tar programs/wb misc/wb cp programs/wb misc copy a:programs/wb b:misc/wb None of these copy programs/wb misc/wb tar programs/wb misc/wb cp programs/wb misc copy a:programs/wb b:misc/wb ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which of the following commands is used to save the output of the who command in a file named user.lst, as well as display it? who > user.lst who < user.lste who >> user.lst who | tee user.lst None of these who > user.lst who < user.lste who >> user.lst who | tee user.lst None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which of the following command is used to count just the number of lines contained in a file? wc -c None of these wc -l wc -r wc -w wc -c None of these wc -l wc -r wc -w ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which command is used to set the three permissions for all the three categories of users of a file? None of these chgrp chusr chmod chown None of these chgrp chusr chmod chown ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which command is used to display the end of the file? eof tail head - r None of these bof eof tail head - r None of these bof ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which option will be used with touch command to change the access time? None of these #NAME? -r option pid None of these #NAME? -r option pid ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP