Unix The File that contains a set of instructions which are performed when a user logs in, is autoexec.bat None of these .autoexec .exrc .profile autoexec.bat None of these .autoexec .exrc .profile ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which of following commands is used for an automatic reminder service? write mesg None of these mail calendar write mesg None of these mail calendar ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which of the following keys is used to delete the character beneath the cursor? D x None of these X dd D x None of these X dd ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which of the following directories contain all the Alias created by a user, including his login directory? /etc /dev /tmp /usr /etc /dev /tmp /usr ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which commands is used to assign executable permission to all of the files named "letter"? chmod ugo+rw letter chmod u+x letter chmod ugo+r letter chmod ugo+x letter chmod ugo+rw letter chmod u+x letter chmod ugo+r letter chmod ugo+x letter ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which of the following command is used to count just the number of lines contained in a file? wc -l None of these wc -w wc -c wc -r wc -l None of these wc -w wc -c wc -r ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP