Unix The seventh field of /etc/password is login password home None of these shell login password home None of these shell ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which command is used to display a file contents in octal form? of od oct cd of od oct cd ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which of the following keys is used to replace a single character with new text? S R s r S R s r ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which command is used to change protection mode of files starting with the string emp and ending with 1,2, or 3? chmod 222 emp? chmod u+r ??? emp chmod 777 emp* chmod u+x emp[1-3] chmod 222 emp? chmod u+r ??? emp chmod 777 emp* chmod u+x emp[1-3] ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which command is used to list out all the hidden files along with the other files? ls -a ls -F ls -x ls -l ls -a ls -F ls -x ls -l ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which command is used to display the top of the file? cat more grep head cat more grep head ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP